Pesto Shrimp

Pesto Shrimp

I recently posted a photo of our pesto slathered shrimp on Instagram and many said they wanted the recipe. I’m fortunate to have an awesome wife that loves to garden. We have basil growing and often she’ll make pesto and add our fresh basil leaves to it....
Smoked Deviled Eggs

Smoked Deviled Eggs

When it comes to cooking, I’d say I’m more of a “bull in a china shop” type of cook.  Give me some meat and I’ll make it great (insert manly man grunts here). If it involves finesse and patience I’m probably not your...
Cook brisket the easy way!

Cook brisket the easy way!

I don’t cook brisket every week but I do love a well cooked one like the next guy.  There seems to always be the argument on whether or not to wrap it and what to wrap it with if you decide to go that route. I was talking to Derek Perry of @freedomsohard (great...
Pastrami Tri-Tip

Pastrami Tri-Tip

Recently I cooked up a pastrami Tri-Tip which was one of those cooks that I was a little leery about since I knew there was a longer than normal time commitment to cure it and get it right. The first thing to answer is “Why a Tri-tip?”  Why not another...